Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Many years ago there was a popular business book called "Zapp." The book was written like a parable and the premise of the story was that managers and leaders, through the course of their daily actions (or inactions), will either "ZAPP" employees with positive energy which will result in outstanding team work, great attitudes etc., OR they will "SAPP" them, draining them of energy and then produce negative results.
As part of my work as a business coach I have the wonderful opportunity to have just plain old conversations with many folks who are employed by my clients. Through these conversations I'm able to really feel the "pulse" of the company and how people are feeling about their work life. In recent months, I've heard a few people tell me how discouraged they are because of one thing. That is, they don't know where they stand with their boss and don't know what the future holds for them. The following are examples of things shared.( The names have been changed to protect the innocent.)
" Ya know Bill, I think Robert likes me and thinks that I'm doing a good job, but to be honest, I just don't know for sure what he thinks of me." My response..."Don't you have performance reviews?" He says "Yeah, sure we do. But really it's just a formality thing we go through once a year...I want to know...what does he REALLY think of me. I like him, I just wonder if he likes me and where am I going with this company."
"I've worked for this company for 20 years and I still don't have a clue of where my growth path is and what I need to know or do. I understand where I want to go, but don't know if it's the same direction that my boss thinks I should be going."
" Bill, I think my boss likes me and that I'm safe, but I've watched people who work for this firm who get passed over for advancement because of favoritism or nepotism. We all think were doing a good job and then BAM! We turn around and somebody has passed us by for no other reason other than the fact that somebody at the top likes them better."
One of my favorite questions to ask young people is "What do you want to be when you grow up?" (I even ask older people the same question.) I think people who are going through the performance review process should ask their boss.."What do YOU want me to be when I grow up?" If done correctly it would put a whole new spin on the yearly ritual.
In the mean time, what are you doing to encourage others daily? What actions do you take that "sapp" OUT of the people you work with from enthusiasm for their job and company. I could give you a list of ideas to consider but won't do that for two reasons. 1) The list is too long for a blog and 2) I fear for some, it will be another program to try and implement..
But I will say this..If you have high turnover, grumbling among the ranks, people who can't seem to get to work on time and only give minimum effort, then they have been "sapped" over and over again. They have become "zombies" just going through the motions for a paycheck. What a terrible way to live! What a terrible way to run a company. Think about it and find ways to "Zapp" your employees today. After all, it's a big part your job...
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