Friday, December 9, 2011

Knowing Is Not Enough

I know! I know!

I know I should stop smoking.

I know I should lose some weight.

I know I should try and improve my appearance.

I know I should consider seriously my relationship with God.

I know I should work on my communication skills.

I know I should manage my money better.

I know I should say I'm sorry when I know I'm wrong.

I know I should listen better.

I know I should find ways to engage our employees more and let them help us improve our organization.

I know, I know!

Not making a decision is a decision. You may get lucky by putting things off, but that does not make you a good decision maker or indicate that you have some divine wisdom on timing. I know plenty of people (you do to) and organizations who HOPE they are lucky enough to avoid negative circumstances from their non-decision.

Putting off a decision may be inconvenient and unsettling in the moment, but if you're NOT lucky in your non-decision and don't take the needed action, things will only get worse.

Should someone take the gamble that they won't get lung cancer and therefore put off the decision to stop smoking until later? Should a persons inability for handling finances find reasons not to take action on financial management/guidance which could avoid putting their family/organization into a perilous future? Is it ok for government officials to make non- decisions on critical issues and hope we get lucky in the future, when in reality, we know they are gambling until after their re-election?

We should all (individually and organizationally) take action on those things we know need a decision or require action now. Not knowing how is one thing, but not making a decision/action is a dangerous gamble.


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