Hope and Change?
As a business coach I encounter unrealistic expectations and "hope's for change" in the business world over the years... And yes, I've met some empty suits who got their jobs in top leadership by means other than being leaders.. I see similar actions and attitudes as with the government officials. One of the predictable things they do is throw money at "hype" motivation programs. And, just like people dealing within the political setting, they want instant result's with little to no CHANGE to their lives. For many people, change is more of the same just better. But...that's not what change is or how it happens. It is thinking differently and ACTING differently.
Real change requires:
> A clear and well thought out vision and direction.
> A well defined strategy for the long haul. It is a process not a program. Training programs do little to nothing to cause behavior change. Why companies pay for one time "trainers" for the quick fix and no on-going follow up baffles me. What a waste of money!
> Clear, open, honest and consistent communication to the masses.
> A commitment of time and money to complete the process. (People want it to happen over night. It doesn't happen that way.)
> Making the tough decisions necessary for growth and positive change.
Making more money, attracting more customers, having your employees "engaged", improved quality, higher production requires a concentrated effort to those items listed above. It does not happen by wishing it, or saying you want it to happen. Slogans won't get it. It takes leadership to "cause" change to happen.
Yes, it is hard work, and yes it must be coached consistently. But... those who have really embarked in REAL Change Management (the way it should be done) have experienced positive "pay off's" beyond their imagination.
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