Friday, July 8, 2011

Being GOOD in Business

                           Alexis de Tocqueville was a French political thinker.

We all know of organizations who have become very successful financially. We are cognizant of companies who appear to have the right strategy and needed resources to capture large market share in their areas of expertise. Many folks may look at these organizations and declare them to be great companies, businesses etc. But, how many of us could name a really GOOD company. A good company has more going for them than just a fat bottom line, even though the bottom line is often impressive as well. Good companies become great because of the confidence in who they are, not just what they make or do. Good companies have an uncompromising and genuine ethical stand and character. One of the key words in this statement is GENUINE. Non pretenders.

Character defined is: the complex of mental and ethical traits marking and often individualizing a person, group, or nation.

We've heard people say that the reason they don't like church is because of the hypocrites who claim to be Christians. I know these "pretenders" just like you do. People who claim a moral high ground but live a life of being gossips, liars, jealous, deceitful, petty and miserable people. I also know of MANY organizations who claim to care about the engagement, empowerment and the growth of their employees. But massive labor turnover, absenteeism, union work stoppage and miserable managers declare that the organizations are just pretenders. I know of business who declare " the customer is king", but treat customers with disdain. Pretenders can cause serious, long lasting damage to the observing world.

Tocqueville is credited for saying...

"I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers and it was not there; in her fertile fields and boundless forests and it was not there; in her rich mines and her vast world commerce and it was not there; in her democratic Congress and her matchless Constitution and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great."

As a business coach, I have the wonderful opportunity to help leaders find the soul of their organizations. Who they really are and what they genuinely want to be in the industry, the community and to each other. It is not a "training program" or a two day event in the woods. It is a process that's sometimes perceived as mysterious, corny or irrelevant. But I know first hand that good companies become great companies when they genuinely develop a clear understanding, communicate it regularly and live those principles daily. After a period of time a person can see who is really committed to developing a culture of exceptional character and those who are merely pretenders.The world will see through pretenders and reject them.

Every person reading this short blog should ask the question.."Do I work for an organization/business that is Good?" If not, why not and what are you going to do about it?

Just a thought...Press on...


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