The PROCESS of Being the Best

Being an active guy myself who has run races, played football and even enjoyed the sport of snow skiing I appreciate world class athletes who reach the pinnacle of their sports.
Everything that it takes to reach this level of excellence inspires me because so few people are willing or capable of that sort of effort. I know people who would love to be in better physical condition but are not willing to go through the PROCESS required for a body that is healthy and fit. The same is true in business. I know many leaders who aspire to be the best, but are missing some of the critical ingredients necessary in the process to realize that distinction. The young people you will see on your TV starting February 12th did not wake up one morning and decide winning Olympic gold sounds like a good thing to do. They went through the long process of becoming great.
The following are some of the PROCESS steps they took toward being the BEST!
1.) They had a clear vision, along with goals, of where they wanted to go and how to get there!
2.) They had a realistic view of their ability, strengths and limitations!
3.) They had a constancy of purpose!
4.) They understood the discipline necessary for success!
5.) They bought the best equipment!
6.) They were willing to take risk!
7.) They were willing to invest time and money into the PROCESS!
8.) They secured the best coaches available!
9.) They listened to instruction given and then made the necessary adjustments!
10.) They understood that good was not good enough and were willing to pay the price to excel which is to go beyond average = Excellence!
We live in a world wanting instant results. Examples: A.) Our stupid government leaders insisting on more bail out money to bring us out of the recession. B.) An unrealistic over night fix of our health care system. C.) The New Years resolution of weight loss. D.) The drive for more people and money in our churches and non-profits. E.) The sudden changes in our business practices and policies.
We all know, intellectually, that instant success is a ridiculous prospect and we also know that becoming GREAT is a PROCESS not an event. But...many look for the silver bullet anyway. Leaders looking for overnight success never consider the long haul.
Take close a look at the 10 steps listed above. Rate yourself or your organization in the process steps. Where are you now? What are you willing to do in order to improve the PROCESS?
The Olympics is a place to showcase the best a country has to offer. I hope my organization is also a place where our best are engaged. The best trained, best equipped, the highest integrity, the most skilled, yet also the most humble knowing that they are not the ones heros, but only the servants.
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