Putting The Pieces Together

This past week was another great week for me! I was able to spend time working with some wonderful professional friends in Montenegro.
During my time there I was able to speak at the Chamber of Commerce in the capitol city, a couple of universities and some large businesses. It was a very busy and exciting time. As I stood in a large auditorium in front of young college kids answering questions about life and business, I was reminded of my "T-Shirt" mission statement. While listening to some executives...who are very intelligent but confused...about direction and strategy it re-enforced the fact that there are many people and companies who just don't "get it." Oh they have read the books, they have attended seminars and they have tried to follow the latest self help steps on CD's or mandates of authoritative people. However, their lack of follow through indicates that they have an "intellectual understanding but there is a disconnect between knowledge and practical application."
Many companies have training budgets. Some small...some HUGE. These budgets can provide entertaining presentations for the employees but have little connection to where the company is going because the company, as a whole, doesn't "get it."
Kids go to universities and take courses that they hope will make them "successful" but during it all, many just don't "get it."
Guys like Tiger Woods who make billions of dollars and operate with a self centered existence are destroying their influence for good and within their families because they just don't "get it".
Then you have society who will excuse guys like Tiger as having some sort of addiction. We want to excuse despicable behavior and not hold men accountable because society doesn't "get it."
Having the blessed opportunity of being a business coach all these years working with some talented people, along with the God Given gift to "see" what others can't, has given me something that most consultants and so called trainers will never get. I don't know it all, but because I'm older, wiser and still learning I know a lot and have the opportunity to help people and companies "get it" in strategic planning, behavior modification, leadership development etc. Certainly I like getting paid and I enjoy watching companies and people become successful, but there is no way to describe the thrill in my soul when, while working with folks, I watch the light come on as they "get it!!"
Oh yeah, my "T-Shirt" Mission statement all these years has been?
"Helping People Get It"
It may seem simple, but there's a lot involved in the process. I have a blessed life.
And by the way, during this holiday season, my hope is that you will get it, as you reflect on the true meaning of Christ...mas!!
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