Friday, November 13, 2009

Giving Back ..... Novemeber 2009 Moscow Russia

In his book "Finishing Well" Bob Buford talks about the transition of going from success to significance, moving from the activity of making money to making a difference in the lives of individuals, societies and communities of this world. He then gives his readers several examples of how this has been done through a number of case studies. Some of these "how to" examples come from well known personalities like Peter Drucker, Roger Staubach, Ken Blanchard and others who have found ways to "Give Back" to the world community in various ways.

In addition to operating Extension Management as a Business Coach, I am also President of my own 501c3 company which is dedicated to mobilizing businessmen and women to places like Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria etc. This past week we have worked with "The English Exchange" in Moscow. We are a group of business professionals who desire to have a positive impact on the lives of people living in emerging countries and economies. We teach at Universities, and conferences about business leadership, values, ethics, processes etc. We want to connect with young professionals who don't have the same benefits we have here in the U.S. for professional development opportunities. Conscious of how blessed we have been in business we want to "give back" by sharing our knowledge which has set us on the path of success. We are continually seeking ways to pour back into these less developed locations some of the richness we have enjoyed over the years.

There is a old saying "you will not be remembered for what you got, but what you gave." The most satisfied and happiest leaders I know have found ways to "give back" to others. Here are just a few ideas about how you might do the same thing.

1. Give time and money to your local boys or girls club.

2. Coach a ball team or swim team.

3. Volunteer in a soup line or participate in food distribution programs

4. Giving money is the easiest, but all non profits still need the $$ to keep going.

5. Be a "Character Counts Coach" in your local school.

6. Find a church that has an active outreach structure.

7. Be a guest speaker at the Community College for business..... Do it for FREE.

8. Call me and find out how to get connected world wide

The lines between what I do to make money in business, and the work I do as a non-profit have begun to blur. I'm so much a part of both activities that they seem as one. I'm grateful for that. By being intentional, focused and balanced I can stay on track as I strive to "Finish Well."


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