As hard as I may try, I just can't stop my brain. It seems as if my mind is always racing. Just ask my wife, she will tell you "it never stops!!"
So what is it I'm thinking about... Business, politics, God, foreign affairs, the economy, current events and how all of them fit together.
I'm not a great writer and my spelling and punctuation is often atrocious, but that's not a big concern for me. When I have those intense moments of contemplating burning issues that have invaded my body during a long run in the early morning, or after a restless night in a hotel room, I just want to get my thoughts out of my body and express my opinion.
After many years of working in countless organizations around the world I encounter the best and worst of business practices and am always learning new approaches to "doing business". I want to share that with you!
In addition, with so much facing business, the free enterprise and our world today, I feel compelled to say something.
Maybe I will be writing to myself, but I don't think so. I have resisted doing a "blog" for many personal reasons. But I have discovered I need an outlet and a forum to my clients, friends and the business contacts to enter into a dialogue. So I welcome your comments, positive and negative as I address major issues of our day. If you agree or disagree, you too can get it "out of your body".. I look forward to hearing from you...
Press on.....
What an honor to be the first to comment! Bill, you are a good thinker and we benefit from your reflections. I hope you continue giving us a heads up when posting blog entries.
Congratulations on your successes! You are a wonderful example of a businessman with integrity. Our world needs more like you! Keep pressing on!
In Christ,
Carol Round
Hey Man -- i will add you to my Google Reader! Welcome to the blog world!!! WOW, FB and a blog in one week -- next thing I know you will be twittering!
Bill - I enjoy all forms of communication you are providing and this is just one more way for me to learn and share with others your leadership knowledge.
Lets talk about Change Management in an ever changing industry and the hurdles executives face on a day to day basis
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