Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Organizations who GET IT!

This past week I was in Australia working with one of my favorite clients, Dixon Valve and Coupling Company. www.DixonValve.com

Dixon is a unique company, not just because they are a successful 3rd generation company, but because they have a well thought out "holistic" strategy and have constructed a magnificent leadership plan that will sustain them for years to come. Pictured with me is Bob Grace, President of DVCC and Mary Price, Corporate V.P. of Human Resources. Both have been with the company for many years, and have learned the business in side and out. They are both gifted communicators and leaders who have been part of creating the Dixon culture and are members of a coherent transitional management team to take the company into the 4th generation of success.

However, nothing takes place unless there is strong leadership at the top. Dixon has such a man. R.L. Goodall, CEO. Mr. Goodall embodies what true leadership is all about. He "get's it" and, as a result, the company gets it!

* They GET IT when it comes to "As the leader goes, so goes the organization." The leadership team is connected, passionate and committed. To each other and the company.

* They GET IT when communicating the direction of the company. There is no silly slogans, or fuzzy goals. Rather they have a clear, understandable and consistent message as to who they are and where they are going .

* They have a proven track record of consistent employee engagement and development which demonstrates that they GET IT. It's also reflected in compensation programs that are not an "entitlement" but rather a reward for exceptional performance.

* When considering their role as citizens of the community, they GET the fact that it is not a series of community "programs" but a true partnership with the schools, and local government.

* They GET IT when it comes to money. They maintain the proper balance by stressing the importance of profit by educating, rather than lecturing, on waste, cost cutting and necessary investment.

* While striving to be compassionate they GET IT when seeing the difference between being encouraging versus cutting those loose from the organization who are not a fit or who don't add value or don't share the company values. In the book "Good to Great" DVCC adheres to the idea of getting the right people sitting in the right seats on the bus.

* Speaking of Values and Ethics, as part of their clear vision they regularly and consistently discuss the Six Pillars of Character. Respect, Responsibility, Caring, Citizenship, Trustworthiness and Fairness and what that means to individuals who are part of DVCC and their operating principles to live by. The want to make certain that EVERY employee " Get's it."

There is much more I could say about this wonderful company. I suspect they would be happy to share with you their formula for success. It's a story they are quite proud of. I often use them as a model when dealing with other firms I work with. I have had the blessed opportunity to partner with Dixon, at some level, since 1992. There have been many pieces to the puzzle put in place since '92, and I am grateful that I was able to be one of those small pieces for success with a company who truly... Get's It.


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