During the many years and miles of travel I've never lost luggage. Delayed yes, but never lost. That record ended on my recent trip back from Cyprus. It has been almost a month now and still no one seems to know where my bags are. Some of my best suits and ties were in that bag along with cuff links, shoes and training material. Not important articles in the big scheme of things, but nice things I wish I had not lost.
During the process of making property claim with the airlines, I began to think about real loss. Loss of things which are much greater than just a bunch of clothes. I thought of such things as loss of family members, loss of good health, loss of money or a job because of the economic crisis. I thought about how many people just don't know how to deal with loss because their life is dependent on something or someone. I also thought about the loss of a persons good reputation and name because of foolish choices. As leaders we may be confronted with tempting situations in our personal and professional lives. The choices we make may determine whether...or not... we will suffer a life time loss of an overall quality of good character. Here's a few things to think about before you have to make those choices.
1. Know who you are and what you stand for.
2. Determine where your values come from and why they are important.
3. Determine what is most important in your life and stay focused.
4. Determine to be a man/woman of unyielding integrity.
5. Write your values down and review them regularly.
6. Honor your commitments to your friends, spouse, family, clients and to God.
I know what my "Center" is. As a result, I might lose everyTHING, but won't suffer LOSS.
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