Saturday, August 25, 2012

What Your Words May Say About You!

While writing my thoughts about companies who have a "heart" posted on my last blog, the thoughts concerning corporate and individual behavior continues to come to my mind.

Saying that you care and showing that you care are two completely different issues in most organizations I've   encountered over the years. We are now in the midst of the political season in which "words" should mean something, but unfortunately the loss of faith in the honesty of political candidates has left most Americans responding to campaign promises with a disbelieving "yeah, right." We've all heard it before but nothing seems to change, except change for the worse.

The same attitude is often felt by employees' toward their bosses who give us the same old tired slogans, mission statements, value  declarations, etc.
A verse in the old King James version says "for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh" or another way of saying it is...for the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.
As I pondered that thought, I began to think about words that come out of people's head daily. Foul language, gossip, "drama", unkindness, encouragement, coaching, instruction, discipline.

I've often felt like people who use foul language must not be very smart people. Because if their vocabulary is limited to four letter words, they are pretty limited and rely on the street, peers or TV to guide their speech. However, in light of the above statements I'm starting to look at these folks differently. Maybe, they are smart and maybe, this is what's in their heart! I know some (seemingly) nice people who say some pretty awful things about other people. Is that what is in their heart?
When political leaders talk about issues of abortion, marriage the economy etc. what they say has quiet a lot to say about their hearts. When supervisors and managers "talk" we may be hearing their hearts!

In the coming weeks I challenge you to do 2 things.

1.) LISTEN to people when they talk. This includes politicians, co-workers, bosses, etc. What kind of things do they say and how do they say it?
2.) LISTEN to yourself. I know I will be listening to the words that come out of my head. Are they the kind of words that will demonstrate to those around me the kind of guy I am? Will it give people a peek into my heart?

As I work with organizations, I will continue to encourage leaders to demonstrate authentically WHO they are as an organization, not just WHAT they do. The realization and acceptance in a positive way will be manifested in action and words, and the words will be a manifestation of what's in their hearts. For hard button down business people this is a difficult matter. It's a big departure from JUST making money or making stuff. You become vulnerable in many ways. But wouldn't it be nice for some REAL honesty?

I believe people will follow those who have an abundance of good stuff in their heart, and that people will know that when they hear them speak.