Monday, June 9, 2014

Nationalism versus Exceptionalism

Last week I had the privilege of working in Bulgaria. I was blessed to work with a new partner, Krasimir, who lives in the city of Stara Zagora. Krasimir is a true visionary. He has a vision and passion for his small business, for his community and for his country. During my time with him I spoke at Universities and held small business seminars which he had organized. He and I also met with influential people in Sofia, the capital city, the President of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry as well as the President of the Bulgarian Association of Women Entrepreneurs.

 I was warmly welcomed and received by many really smart people who were quite open concerning a wide range of topics from politics, business challenges, world events in the region, etc.

 Their candor during our discussions has been a constant thought with me since I left this somewhat economically depressed Balkan country. As for their future growth, I sincerly believe, Bulgaria has huge upside potiential if managed and lead properly in many different sectors of the society. I will let those who are not familiar with this southeastern European country do your own historical homework, but the future success may fall on some key decisions they will make in dealing with their EU and NATO membership and the relationship they have with Russia.

 Among these decisions will require innovative thinking for business cultural change. Like all countries and companies, this change will be difficult precisely because the voices of the "status quo" is louder than that of innovation and risk taking.

 Now stay with me as I describe some change "thinking" for Nations and Organizations.

 During my many meaningful discussions with my Bulgarian friends, one constant theme became paramount, that being "Nationalism." Nationalism is defined as..."a feeling that people have of being loyal to and proud of their country often with the belief that it is better and more important than other countries." The people I met have a strong national pride. As we discussed business and the challenges presented, they made clear that they desire to go their own way. They have no desire to be American, Russian or anything else other than a strong and vibrant Bulgaria.

 The last time I sensed such a strong and heartfelt national pride was during my work with managers of the Iraqi Oil Ministry. I remember one guy standing up in the middle of a strategic planning session we were having and with tears in his eyes he proclaimed "I love Iraq, I love Iraq, I love Iraq." It was a powerful moment and a reminder to me of the strong unification people have to their home country.  However, "pride" may not be enough in a country or business for long term success. Rather, you must become "exceptional."

 Most people know my loathing of our present administration in Washington D.C., and the many different  levels of transformation which our country is moving toward. I will not make this political, but rather I'm driving home a point. Obama does not believe that America is an exceptional country. Rather, he believes that we are like all other countries in the pride we have. He has confused Nationalism with Exceptionalism. There is a huge difference between the two.

 Exceptionalism is... "the condition of being different from the norm; also : a theory expounding the exceptionalism especially of a nation or region." 

America is exceptional because of our unique standing in the world. Among those things which are different from the norm are, our military strength, economic superiority, free market history along with our founding fathers moral and ethical principles which have guided us through our young history. These are just a few key points and there is no other country who consistently posses these attributes. Does that make us better? Maybe yes and maybe no. Does it make us exceptional? Yes.

 Oddly enough, there are many in our country who seem to resent our exceptionalism and consequently we're losing a strong sense of positive Nationalism which was once unanimous among our citizenry.

 In building an organization for success, time and effort must be given to discovering and practicing being different from the norm. Being proud of your company (or country) may make you feel good, but it won't give you the organizational advantage you are seeking. Espousing cliches, talking about your unique "value formula", or implementing the same old tired training programs will not set you apart from the rest.

 During my work in Stara Zagora, we have already begun the process of "discovery" of what will make this city/country exceptional which will attract a innovative and exciting future. My work causes me to help others think and act differently. Walking along side those in Bulgaria who have a strong sense of Nationalism, I will join Krasimir and his vision in seeking "exceptionalism" in the Balkan region.

It won't be easy, and it won't be instant. It will be a difficult process, but one well worth embracing and one I'm most excited to be part of.

 What about your company or organization? Are you Exceptional or just Proud of who you are?


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