Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Heart Surgery, World Travel & The Grace of God!

Several people, over the last couple of months, have asked why I haven't written another blog article. There's been a few reasons for the pause in activity, beyond my normal self doubt that I've got anything worthwhile to say. During these recent events there has been a reinforcement of my doubts, for obvious reasons as you will see.
The biggest one took place on June 27th when I underwent open heart surgery. Because of the advances of modern medicine some might consider this surgery routine. But until it happens to you personally, there's nothing routine about quadruple bypass. I will be forever grateful to live in our country where I can still see a qualified American Harvard educated and trained surgeon and a medical staff who were exceptional in skill and caring. "Peace of mind" is worth a lot.
But most of all I'm grateful for the sustaining power and Grace of a loving God.
After only 3 short weeks of initial recovery, I began the process of getting back on the road and back in shape. I told my wife (who was an incredible partner for me during these days) that unlike lots of people, my "event" was not going to define me. I'm not a victim of anything, but rather a recipient of a unique opportunity. This event is done and behind us, so lets move on.
My business has been exciting and challenging in every sense. As an example, this week I returned from Cyprus after working for a great client (OEB) and their organization for 15 days. I appreciate them and the opportunity to serve many organizations on this island country in the Mediterranean Sea.
But most of all, I'm grateful for the strength and wisdom given me through the power and Grace of a loving God. It is His strength which sustains me.
During the past few weeks I've had the opportunity to experience many things, some of which I will share in weeks to come on this blog site. Such things as:
> Knowing for sure why we do what we do.
> The lost ability of thinking.
> The importance of a "personal retreat."
> Understanding it's NOT ABOUT YOU, as it relates to family, business or life.
> The creation of mediocrity, in life and in business.
I have discovered I do have something to say. Not because I am smart (because I'm really not.) Not because I have built some huge consulting business or have developed some great business system that ensures success. No, it's because of one thing and one thing alone.
I have been given gifts and talents bestowed on me by a loving and Gracious God which has allowed me to have a platform to honor Him and have a positive impact on people and business around the world. He has given me a quick and discerning mind. I'm able to see the pretenders from the virtuoso. He has allowed me to live long enough and to observe good and bad human behavior, outstanding and terrible leadership models and business excellence along with examples of failure.
I'm very grateful to be back and look forward to seeing you on line again soon.