Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Team of One!

On April 8th, "The Iron Lady," Margret Thatcher of England passed away.

What a great leader she was!

A few facts about her.

>The only female prime minister of Great Britain.

> Called the Iron Lady, for personal and political toughness.

> Only British prime minister of the 20th century to win three consecutive terms. Former Prime Minister Tony Blair's first of three terms began in the 20th, but ended in the 21st.

> During her time as Prime Minister she emphasized the rights of the individual versus that of the state, moral absolutism and nationalism.

> In her first term, Thatcher reduced or eliminated many government subsidies to business. Her bold action ( which was extremely unpopular by some) put the UK on firm economic foundation for many years to follow. Her battles with the left, particularly the miners union, led to great advancements for the country. During her tenure the top rate of tax fell from 83% to 40% putting money back in the pockets of the citizens rather than in government agencies. Government does not create wealth, governments consume wealth.

  Sadly, the UK (along with a large portion of the industrialized world) has gone back to the principles of "re-distribution of wealth"(Obama's plan) and socialism. Thatcher famously said, "....the Socialist governments traditionally do make a financial mess. They [socialists] always run out of other people's money. It's quite characteristic of them." My own friend's, who would be honest, in Cyprus and Greece can attest to this statement of truth in their real EU living today.

As a professional involved in organizational development and change, the remembering of Mrs. Thatcher as a "transformational leader" caused me to think, once again, of the characteristics that separate those who are genuine leaders from the pretenders.

1. A firm constancy of "purpose."
A business plan in not a purpose. Purpose does not come from strategy. You might be surprised by the number of CEO's/President's who don't know the difference. Or, possibly, they just don't care! Strategy and business plans typically take care of the short term. Purpose builds for the future. Purpose requires investment for the future which might include the possibility of greater risk. (MT) "You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it." "Defeat? I do not recognize the meaning of the word."

2. Is willing to stand alone if necessary for what they believe in.
(MT) “I am not a consensus politician. I’m a conviction politician."
The apostle Paul said "I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes."
After all these years, I can count on one hand the number of TOP executives who are so committed, they are willing to stand alone on principle and belief if necessary. To be if you will a "team of one." We live in such a PC world, many have forgotten how to stand for what is right.

3. Is comfortable in their own skin.
Lady Thatcher remarked concerning her views on being a woman in a very male world. "If you want something said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman." True leaders are not arrogant, they are confident, because they know who they are and know what they stand for. Skin color, gender, looks, or intelligence does not discourage a true leader from action.

4. Is willing to listen to others.
(MT) "I love argument. I love debate. I don't expect anyone just to sit there and agree with me...that's not their job." "I am extraordinarily patient, provided I get my own way in the end." There is no question, Mrs. Thatcher surrounded herself with people she counted on to move her agenda forward. But they were not "rubber stamps" or "yes" people. They were people who were principled just like her and were willing to engage in passionate dialogue. Her friendship with President Reagan was a perfect example.

5. Is not a pretender.
"Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't." (MT) The same could be said about leaders. If you have to tell people you are a leader, you're probably not.

Certainly, we are running a deficit of leaders in governments with back bone and commitment to do what is right. And probably the same can be said in organizations such as schools, NGO's business etc.

  How do you think CEO's, Presidents, Dept. Heads in your organization stand in comparison to the above?
 Are they made of "Iron" like Lady Thatcher or just full of "stuff"?
And...what about you?