Sunday, July 15, 2012
The longer I'm in this business, coupled
with the large number of organizations I've been exposed to during the past 30
years, the more I'm able to clearly see the disconnect between trendy programs,
policies and behaviors which exist to the detriment of actually
moving organizations toward real success.
Many years ago, I remember Tom Peters saying
that success in an organization is "90% a people deal." To be honest, I can't
remember if that was his quote or an executive he was interviewing for one of
his books. But the statement keeps coming back to me again and again. As I
witness the behaviors of people at every level of organizations here is what I
> Sales people "pitching heat" or
"puffing" just to make the sale.
> HR people acting as the "cops on the
beat" making certain the employees' follow the rules and justifying their
actions by announcing "I'm just protecting the company."
> First line supervisors who look more
like armed guards in a prison than leaders of a group.
> Department heads working in silos for
self preservation at the expense of the organization as a whole.
> QC people acting like inspector #12
from an old TV ad for Hanes underwear. "They don't say Hanes until I
say they say Hanes!" was her cry as if to say "I'm the
most important person in the company because I determine what goes and does not
> CEO's/CFO's/COO's proclaiming that "our
people are our most valuable resources" while allowing the behaviors like those
listed to continue.
> Employees who are rude, unhelpful
and/or un-welcoming to new comers in the organization.
> Wage and benefit systems which foster
confusion, frustration and perceived favoritism.
> Safety programs that are just that.
"Safety programs" with little compassion for the injured.
> MBA's who are extremely competent in
the X's and O's of the business but don't have a clue concerning the "heart
issue" for customers, suppliers, share holders or employees'.
Does your firm have a heart? Not sappy love
affairs with the "folks" or give away programs. I'm talking about a true
understanding and connection with people in every aspect of your business. There
is so much to know and most managers, leaders, employees' don't
get it or understand how to determine it.
I know my blog article is read around the
world. I also know that a few things will happen with this article.
1.) Top executives will disregard the fact
that these issues are present in part or whole in their business. To be blunt,
they are delusional about the truth.
2.) Executives will share it with the "yes"
men and women in their organization to get confirmation that everything is
3.) Some executives will take an honest and
serious look at the heart issue of their business. They will seek ways to find
and determine the pulse of the company.
Don't be confused with benevolent programs.
I know several who have programs that look good, but the fact is "they have no