The Disease of ME!

In our world today we have many examples of people and organizations who are demonstrating this destructive behavior and the terminal disease that will bring down countries and companies.
When I see people in Greece "riot" in the streets and scream "I want mine" even though the government is broke, I see a group of folks who have the "disease of me."
When I see people in U.S. firms who continually complain about the reduction of pay and the layoff of employees, that was absolutely necessary to keep the business afloat, and they still scream "I want mine!" I see a group of people who have the "disease of me."
When I see company board members who are willing to "stick it to the little guy" in order to maintain a generous return for themselves and shareholders including bonus and insist " I want mine!" then I see the "disease of me."
When I see people cross into this country illegally and demand " I want mine!" then I see...well, you know what I see.
Our world is still in the throes of an unprecedented economic situation. Many people who are either delusional or uninformed are holding out for a "V" shaped recovery, and have hypnotized themselves to believe that all will soon be back to the way it used to be. In all probability it will not. As a matter of fact I'm convinced we still have many difficult times ahead of us on the world stage and we will see a volatile market for several more years to come. But that does not mean all is bad. As a matter of fact, I think there is some real growth opportunities for companies and people who want to behave like grown ups, and take a sober view of the realities and make the needed adjustments.
Unfortunately many, many people are ignorant to sound economic principles. We have not taught our children the fundamentals in school and have confused sound financials with political ideology. So, we in business will be required to fill the void. If we as leaders don't fill that void, then someone else will, and it may not be for the "whole's" best interest because of the "disease of me." (I could give names, but won't..just call me and we'll talk) Here is what we should do.
* We must stop doing "training programs" as usual and begin an education process that involves everyone hearing and discussing the same things that are of importance.
* We should routinely and consistently teach economics 101 and how that fits our companies and present strategic business plan.
* Honest and frequent communication from the top leaders of our organizations should be informing the masses as to the present situation and future plans.
* Save for a rainy day! Just because things might get a little better does not mean we spend it as we get it, or go into unsustainable debt just so everyone can get "mine."
* Communicate "simple" mission and value principles in which to run your organizations.
* Build of a culture of TRUST. This is not an event but an on going "managed process." It can be done. I know because this is what I do as I walk with organizations who want to do more than just operate as if they have the "disease of me."
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