Nothing New Under The Sun

He told us in the book he wrote that all of man's great ideas and scheme's have been tried before.
He personally, was rich enough, talented enough and "connected" enough to see that all of our wonderful insights fall into the categories of vanity, folly and meaningless.
I just returned from three weeks of work in Cyprus and Greece. I had the opportunity to see some wonderful companies who struggle with the same sort of challenges that businesses do all around the world. There's "Nothing new under the sun."
As I sat in my hotel room at night, reading or watching television, the news media regularly reported to us the depressing economic conditions which are plaguing Greece (and other countries in that region) They also reported about the governments, unions, banks irresponsible practices which has led their people toward more financial pain.
I wrote my Congressman in the United States to tell him I was getting a preview of what the U.S. was getting ready to experience in the future if the ruling party continued down their social agenda. "Nothing new under the sun."
I read about Tiger Woods and his so called "addiction" and wondered why we can't (or refuse to) call it what it truly is....Irresponsible behavior that has caused permanent pain for his wife and children. After all he's not the first powerful rich guy who thought the rules of proper moral behavior did not apply to him. "Nothing new under the sun."
I also listened to many employees who work under the pressure of managers and business owners who treat them like expendable by-products of their money making agenda's. "Nothing new under the sun."
But I also met some wonderful managers who are positive about the future. They are more than willing and very eager to take the world on as if it was just created and to express their ideas like it's never been tried before. For these folks I'm encouraged and energized. And for them I offer the following reminders.
* Government does not create wealth, they consume it.
* No one owes you anything, but people will be willing to pay you for providing outstanding value to them and to their firms.
* Be a problem solver not a complainer or problem identifier.
* People will always criticize you when you give your best. Give the best you can anyway.
* Be faithful to your commitments. This includes your employers, your family and your spouse. Don't run away just because it gets tough.
* Companies and individuals who master the skill of communication will be leaders in business and in life.
* The lack of honest and open communications will cause distrust, suspicion and problems for you and your firm.
* Every person and company should know their PURPOSE and live according to ethical principles.
Nothing is new under the sun! It's all been tried before. HOWEVER... if we know our purpose and do the right things for the right reasons, we can all still be a breath of fresh air in a world of stale ideas and problems.
Oh yeah, Solomon had it right if you want to read the last three paragraphs of his book called Ecclesiastes.
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