The Conformity of Nonconformist
non·con·form·ist :
a person who does not behave the way most people behave : someone who does not conform.
Back in my youth they were called "hippies." I went to school at the University of Arkansas and served in the Army. I remember these people as folks who sat in trees on campus or picketed and protested the Vietnam war. Their appearance was long hair, kind of dirty looking, unkept, sandals and beards and smoked dope (a fitting word for a dopey behavior.) The problem was, they all looked alike. They conformed to the way all the other nonconformist looked and behaved. From that nonconformist look, our society began to blend in with a new fashion of long hair, and a cleaner but different style of dress.
Today these same type of people call themselves the 99% er's. Many of the youth today in the U.S. want to look like they are nonconformist, but in reality they are just trying to fit in with everyone else, pressured by pop culture. The nonconformist look today is multiple tattoo's (which was once reserved for prison convicts) and body piercing is considered the "thing" to do for many young people.
However, this "body art" phenomenon is not shared every where in the world, nor indeed in many professional business organizations. During my recent work in Eastern Europe, the notable absence of "body art" among the young was described to me as a strong family pressure of values.Most business still want to project a professional image.
During this Easter season, I have thought of Jesus and the fact that many called Him a non-conformist because he was unwilling to conform to the "church" teaching, but rather He held on to the will and purpose of God, the Father. The Apostle Paul encouraged persecuted believers of his time "to be no longer conformed, to the pattern of this world, but rather, be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
Now lets jump to business conformity or non conformist.... In my last blog post I discussed being a risk taker, someone who is willing to challenge the status quo for the over all good of your customers, your boss and the organization as a whole. Here are some ways people conform to nonconformist...
> I have several clients who, over the years, have developed a pattern of behavior. Some positive, some negative. One might purposely teach character and acceptable behavior principles while others develop a culture of unkindness and disrespect toward one another.
> Labor unions for the most part have lost their way. In the 50's they were a powerful force of the nonconformist who no longer would accept the abuse and thuggery of management bosses. Today, unions are strictly a "business" who pretend to be protectors of the little guy but, quite frankly, they are more a political arm of the Democratic party and are supporters of the "entitlement" mentality which, in my opinion, will destroy our free market/capitalist society.
>"Go along to get along" people in business who have conformed to the way things are done, "because we've always done it that way." In this case we need nonconformists who will shake things up a bit as long as they don't become anarchist.
For leaders who read this site, the question is:
1. Do you encourage honest debate and passionate dialogue among your people? Or do you view those who have an opinion as trouble making nonconformist?
2. Have YOU become a conformist in your leadership style?
3.What kind of culture have you created, and what principles of behavior has become common place in your business?
In some of my lectures, I make a statement that goes something like this..
"A president is a president, is a president. Their a dime a dozen and I can buy another one any day of the week. What do you do that adds value to your position? Do you just do the job like everyone else, or do you give more than what you are paid to do?" (By the way, you can insert your job title in this question as well if your not a president.) It's a question every employee should ask of themselves honestly.
If we are to grow as a business, one of the elements needed will be to insure that we properly evaluate whether we are conformist or do we constantly look for ways to be positive nonconformist. Honest reflection and action may be required concerning the above. It is a process for continuous improvement.
May you all have a blessed Resurrection Sunday!
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